BuildSoft develops fast user-friendly software for structural analysis of reinforced concrete, steel and timber structures. The software is meant for structural engineers, architects, contractors and building companies
Started in 1989 with the software ConCrete for continuous beams in concrete, BuildSoft has developed several time-saving programs. The BuildSoft products have evolved from a 1D program to the powerful and reliable 3D finite element software Diamonds. BuildSoft distinguishes itself from the market with both simplicity and performance and draws new customers worldwide.
Hundelgemsesteenweg 244-1
BE - 9820 Merelbeke
Years of experience

Delphine Sonck
Timboost responsable at BuildSoft

Chalmers University
Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) conducts research and offers education in technology, science, shipping and architecture with a sustainable future as its global vision.
Chalmers is well-known for providing an effective environment for innovation and has 13 departments. Graphene Flagship, an FET Flagship initiative by the European Commission, is coordinated by Chalmers.
Chalmers University
Chalmersplatsen 4
SE - 412 96 Göteborg

Rasoul Atashipour
Timboost responsable at Chalmers University
Rasoul is a assistant-professor in light-weight structures at the division of structural engineering, Lightweight Structures researchgroup.
The focus of his research is on an innovative timber composite floor and a project on design and analysis of lightweight bridge decks made of a steel sandwich element.